
f r e [A] k

self-portrait... for the month of november. invasionary technology...


a world WHERE... I Will NEVER Be the Same

i have deleted my original post for some personal reasons… my poor mind rechecks - it’s so deplorable.


why does this concern me?

i just don't feel good about myself. the addiction is over. and i don’t know how. but… it’s over. though it’s nothing new to me because every time i got compulsion the same thing occurred. I remain a failure who never valued the past guts. she said i shouldn’t be pretending anymore. she also said that infatuation is good but always a byproduct of pickiness. i replayed i‘ll learn to live after the death of hate inside. now… what do i tell my own self? shit… she quit.



and… i can walk, i can dart also. so… what will you say? what will you ask even? but… i am no longer in the race, i am no longer in the evil. it is addiction. it is c16h13cin2o.